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Zucchini squash (courgette) is one of the most popular summer squashes in Americas and Europe. As in gourds, it too belongs within the Cucurbitaceae (cucurbita-pepo) family of vegetables.

Summer squashes are believed to be originating in the Central America and Mexico. Several different cultivars of summer squash are grown throughout the United States during warmer, frost-free seasons. Almost all members of the squash family vegetables feature smooth skin, tender, crunchy flesh with small edible seeds and high moisture content.

Summer squash crops, including zucchini, exhibit bush habit spread rather than vine spread in winter-squashes. Its fruits shall be ready for harvesting about 40-50 days after seed implantation.

Some popular varieties are: Golden zucchini features brilliant golden-yellow skin that retains its colour even after cooking. Round varieties are dense, heavy, and nearly seedless with smooth surface. Tatume, which is common in Mexico, has similar features of round variety but has the large oval shape.

Costata romanesco also known as cocozelle is a long, narrow variety with slight bulge at the bottom end. It features pale, raised ribs with mottled green skin. When solid and young, this squash is juicy and sweet. Middle-Eastern types are stocky, pale green, tapering ends with a thick dark-green stem. They have smooth shiny skin and solid, crispy and flavourful flesh.

Yellow crooknecks have thick warty skin with markedly curved neck. They are crunchy in texture with sweet delicate flavour.

Health benefits

Zucchini is one of the very low calorie vegetables; provide only 17 calories per 100 g. It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Its peel is good source of dietary fibre that helps reduce constipation and offers some protection against colon cancers.

Zucchinis have anti-oxidant value (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity- ORAC) of 180 Trolex Equivalents (TE) per 100g, the value which is far below to some of the berries, and vegetables. Nonetheless, the pods are one of the common vegetables included in weight reduction and cholesterol control programs by the dieticians.

Furthermore, zucchinis, especially golden skin varieties, are rich in flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds help scavenge harmful oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the body that play a role in aging and various disease processes.

Courgette is a relatively moderate source of folates, provides of 24 µg or 6% of RDA per 100 g. Folates are important in cell division and DNA synthesis. When taken adequately before pregnancy, it can help prevent neural tube defects in the fetus.

It is a very good source of potassium, an important intra-cellular electrolyte. Potassium is a heart-friendly electrolyte and helps bring the reduction in blood pressure and heart rates by countering pressure-effects of sodium.

Fresh fruits are rich in vitamin A; provide about 200 IU per 100 g.

Fresh pods, indeed, are good source of anti-oxidant vitamin-C. Provide about 17.9 µg or 30% of daily-required levels per 100 g.

In addition, they contain moderate levels of B-complex group of vitamins like thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like iron, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.

Helps to Lose Weight: You might be surprised to know that consuming zucchini will help you to lose weight considerably. Zucchini is extremely low in calories, but it gives you the feeling of being full. Therefore, zucchini is a great way to satisfy your appetite without grabbing calories and starting a crash diet plan. Apart from the low calorie count, zucchini has a high water content and is rich in fibre. Hence, when you eat zucchini, your stomach is not empty, thereby making zucchini recipes perfect if you are on diet.

Maintains Optimal Health: As an outstanding source of manganese and vitamin C, zucchini is the best source of dietary fibre that will keep your body in the best shape for the long run. It also contains vitamin A, magnesium, folate, potassium, copper, and phosphorus. This summer squash also has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, niacin, and protein. Moreover, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, and calcium in zucchini assure optimal health. Zucchini is probably the best example of squash that has such a rich array of nutrients, including sugar, carbohydrates, soluble and insoluble fibre, sodium, minerals, amino acids and more. The folate ingredient of zucchini is highly commendable for pregnant women as well.

Promotes Men’s Health: Many researchers have taken extracts from this squash to conduct certain studies and concluded that this fruit has certain properties that effectively treat an ailment in men called BPH or benign prostatic hypertrophy. When the prostate gland becomes enlarged in an odd shape and size, which can cause trouble with both sexual and urinary function – this is known as prostatic hypertrophy. A good treatment of this is seen in combination with other foods that contain phytonutrients; zucchini is said to be extremely useful in decreasing BPH symptoms.

Keeps You Disease-Free: Your overall health will surely improve if you consume zucchini regularly. It helps you prevent all kinds of diseases in a general sense. Studies have already declared that fibre-rich foods help to alleviate cancer conditions by washing away the cancer-causing toxins from cells in the colon. The vitamin C, folate and beta-carotene content in zucchini helps to protect these cells from the harmful chemicals that can lead to colon cancer. Beta-carotene and vitamin C also have anti-inflammatory properties, thereby naturally curing ailments like osteoarthritis, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis, where swelling is immensely painful. The copper percentage in zucchini also helps in reducing the aching symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Overall Cardiovascular Protection: Zucchini is rich in nutritional value, especially during the summer, when it delivers countless advantages to the body. The food ranking systems in zucchini-rich countries have declared this squash has abundant of manganese and vitamin C that helps to keep the heart strong.

During the research, most of these nutrients are shown to be effective in the prevention of diabetic heart disease and atherosclerosis. The magnesium content notably reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In combination with potassium, magnesium also helps in reducing high blood pressure. The vitamin C and beta-carotene found in summer squash helps in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol builds up on blood vessel walls, but these nutrients reduce the development of atherosclerosis. The vitamin folate is required by the body to eliminate an unsafe metabolic by-product called homocysteine, which can result in heart attacks and strokes if the levels rise too high. Zucchini’s fibre content lowers high cholesterol levels as well, thereby helping reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease due to diabetes.


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